Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Paige's Bunny Visit

On Friday Snuggles came to visit.
Here are some facts about Snuggles
1. He loves carrot sticks
2. His main food is hay and grass
3.He's a litte bit scared
4.We bought him from Shilos Pets
5.He sleeps in my brothers room with me
6.He loves cuddles
7.When ever he dosen't get cuddles he bites
I think Snuggles is a good pet because he behaves himself
By Paige Norling

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Slater and Spider

Slaters are a main feature of the Room N this year.  But few people know about the Slater Spider.  Room N is making their own slater spider and its prey (slater).   Since all the members of Room N like mess, slime, slop and all the other good fun stuff, we are using paper mâché to make the giant spider.

We have a wire base to start with and have added the first layer.  We enjoyed the sloppy slime so much it has taken a week to dry.

Next is the second layer of paper and tidying up all the hairy edges.

Room N's Nasty Pirates

Arrr! Another Dress-up day.  We all got to dress up as Pirates to celebrate our learning conferences and the end of the book fair.