Thursday, March 23, 2017

Longest worm

I did some research about the longst worm in the world and it's called 
Lineus longissimus it can grow up to 55 meters long and and up to 100 mm wide
By Bridget

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Room N's Mercury maths group worked hard today putting cards in order to 100.  They had to think about the numbers on the card along with the numbers before and after.  It took a while but they got there.  They have found out that the set is missing the number 22.  They are going to have to look for it in another pack.  

Proud to be an Envirokid

Liam has spent a lot of time and used his imagination and artistic skills to create an interesting cover for his Envirobook. Liam loves to share with our class what he has been doing at Envirokids.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Performing Plays

We're having lots of fun performing plays. It takes time and practice to prepare but the effort is worth it! We can't wait to do more.

Swimming Sports

We had lots of fun on Swimming Sports Day by doing our best and supporting each other. On Monday 27th March we are having a special Swimming Assembly in the hall at 2 o'clock to celebrate our achievements and to thank our parent helpers.

Room O School Librarians

Addi and Saskia are being trained by Mrs Bennitt to be our school class librarians. They are learning how to use the new school library programme called AccessIT. They issue and return books for us and they shelve books that we return. We know that they're going to do a great job for our class.

Room O Class Enviro Job

Our class Enviro Job is to look after the budgie aviary. Fynn and Luke have been trained how to do the job. They do the job 3 days a week at lunchtimes. They are training everyone in Room O to do the job.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Bridge building

We have to build a bridge to span the 40cm gap between two desks.  All we have is a pile of Lego.  We have had to discuss our ideas and decide on a design.   The winner will be the bridge that can hold the most dictionaries while spanning the gap.


We will have to finish in the morning.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Term 1 Enviro Action Day

Room R  & T buddy time on our very enviro action day for 2017 :)

How to draw a spider and web

We have been reading the story Charlotte's Web so as an art activity we got on YouTube and learnt how to draw a spider on its web.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Have a great Enviro Day

Mighty Room M Responsibilities

We are proud to introduce the Room M Enviro, Green Team, Matauranga Maori Kids and Librarians for 2017. They are super excited to start their jobs.