Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Rio Olympics Study 2016

As the completion to our Olympic Games Study we created Olympic medals out of clay.
Don't we look proud! 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Bear

One stinking hot summer day I was minding my own business.  All I could hear was the birds tweeting and squawking, and my fishing line plopping in the water.  Then I heard something roaring.  I thought it was a deer, but when it came around the corner it was a bear.  Aww! A huge brown bear.  Just then I froze, "Oh no! The bear is coming this way."  I closed my eyes waiting for its white fangs to sink into my flesh.  But instead it gave me a big sloppy lick that felt like eel slime sliding across my face.  The bear had to eat all the salmon I caught.  "Come on, man.  Why did you do that!"


By Jayden   Room N

Monday, August 15, 2016

Olympic Medals Rock

Room N Rocking Art Rotation

Room N was the centre of cave drawing.  We had a quick look at some famous paintings from the south of France.

Then we had a quick go ourselves.

Finally we were set free to draw in our own little cave (or as close as we could get to a cave).  It was hard to draw on the bottom of the desks.  We even had a surprise visitor - Can you spot him?

Have a look at some of our finished work